With over 50 series, 1,900 sessions and 25,000 different activities to choose from (not to mention 100s of training articles, videos and other resources) we recognise that finding what you are looking for on Energize can sometimes seem daunting.
That's why we have developed a powerful search tool to help you find the resources or information you are looking for as quickly as possible.
To start a search click on the magnifying glass icon.
Enter your search term into the search bar and then click either the Search Sessions or Search Other text.
If you click Search Sessions this will search for anything that is housed in the Energize SERIES. This includes session codes (e.g. AP01), session titles, subjects, themes and other keywords.
If you click Search Other this will search the Energize site for anything that is not housed in the Energize series including the Training content, Discipleship content, Help pages as well as resources currently housed in the NOW and Library sections of the site.
The session search is the way to find resources that are house in the SERIES on Energize. You can either search sessions directly from the homepage (as described above) or go to the search session page by clicking on the SEARCH option on the SESSIONS menu page.
On the Search Sessions page, you can simply type what you are looking for into the search bar (there is no need to submit your search the results will automatically appear as you start typing) or use the filters to narrow down your parameters before searching.
If you are using the filters you can decide whether you want to search for sessions or for specific items (activities) by using the Type flag.
If you choose Sessions as the Type you can also select a flag for one or more Age Group, select a Theme from the drop-down menu and a Bible Reference. You can use as many of the available filters as you want - you don't have to use all the filters. For the Bible Reference, any of the following formats in the following example can be used:
John (whole book)
John 3 (whole chapter)
John 3:16 (single verse)
John 3:1-16 (verse range)
John 3-4 (chapter range)
John 3:1-4:5 (chapter/verse range)
If you chose Items as the Type you can also filter by age and theme but instead of Bible Reference you have the options to filter by Activity Type (game, drama, etc.) or Faith Level. At the end of each item on your results list, there is a SHOW button which will allow you to see the session (or sessions) that the item appears in. If you follow one of these links this will take you into the relevant session and here you can either edit the session or save the item to your Favourites for future use.
You can search content not included in Sessions by entering a search term in the homepage search bar and clicking the Search Other option. Alternatively, click the Search Other option in the search toolbar to go to the Search page. Here you can do a general search across the site or filter your search for pages, Training Articles, Series, Videos or Help.
Need further help? Use the e-chat to get in touch or e-mail energize@urbansaints.org